Lopez Beyond Basic Therapies & Massage

Dr. Armando E. Lopez
Miami Chiropractor

Marta Gonzalez Lopez LMT, NMT, CRT Massage Therapist | Skin Care Therapist
Eunice Lopez Perez LMT, NMT | Massage Therapist

Mon: 8:00-1:00, 3:00-7:00
Tue: By Appointment
Wed: 8:00-1:00, 3:00-7:00
Thu: By Appointment
Fri: 8:00-1:00, 3:00-7:00
Sat: By Appointment

About the Practice / Acerca de Nosotros

Our mission is to direct people to the realization that they are activated from within; that life and healing come from within; and ultimately that the maintenance of health is superior to the treatment of disease.

Here at Lopez Beyond Basic Therapies and Massage, we have been practicing Holistic Healthcare for the entire family for over 45+ years. Providing the south Florida area with the best traditional (by hand) Chiropractic care infused with therapeutic/stress relief massage as well as whole body modern modalities. We believe in treating the body as a whole, treating the cause of dysfunction with chiropractic and the symptoms with massage therapy which will maintain your health naturally.

Nuestra misión es dirigir a la gente a la realización de que son activados desde dentro; Que la vida y la curación vienen de dentro; Y en última instancia que el mantenimiento de la salud es superior al tratamiento de la enfermedad.

Aqui en Lopez Beyond Basic Therapies and Massage hemos practicado Salud Holistica para familias por mas de 45+ años. Proporcionando el área del sur de la Florida con el mejor cuidado tradicional de la quiropráctica (mano) infundido con el masaje terapéutico / de la relevación del esfuerzo así como las modalidades modernas del cuerpo entero.

Creemos en el tratmiento de cuerpo como un todo, el tratamiento la causa de disfunción con metodos quiropracticos y sintomas con terapia de massage que mantendrá su salud de forma natural.

Chiropractic & Spa

From taking care of your pain to taking care of your appearance, we have services for everybody!

Patient Reviews

Click image to see what our patients have to say about us! Reviews updated daily!

Location & Contact

For information about our hours, location, and the best way to contact us, click image!